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“Beyond Genealogies: Expertise and Religious Knowledge in Legal Cases Involving African Diasporic Publics.” Transforming Anthropology. Vol. Number 0, pp. 1-26, ISSN 1051-0559, electronic ISSN 1548-7466. The American Anthropological Association.

Clarke, Kamari M. “The Urgency of New Historiographies in International Relations.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Vol. 36. Issue 1, pp 213-219

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Rethinking Africa through its Exclusions: The Politics of Naming Criminal Responsibility. “Rethinking Africa in the Neoliberal World.” Jean Comaroff, Achille Mbembe, Jesse Shipley. Anthropological Quarterly 83(3): 625–652. 

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New Spheres of Transnational Formations: Mobilizations of Humanitarian Diasporas.   Transforming Anthropology18(1): 48-65. 

Transnational Yorùbá revivalism and the diasporic politics of heritageAmerican Ethnologist 34 (4): 721-734. 

Internationalizing the Statecraft: The ICC, Religious Revivalism, and the Cultural Politics of GenocideThe Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review 28 (2): 279-334. 

The Globalization of Human RightsAnthropology News. American Anthropological Association 47(5): 5. 

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